Our involvement with olives began with purchasing a Martinborough property in 2003 that was the home for nearly 500 unloved olive trees. At the time we had no intention of being producers. As consumers of olive oil and pickled olives we knew little about the trees or their capability to produce. Through research, observation and listening to others we became passionately engaged. Working on disease control, pruning and fertilising the trees responded by producing oil internationally recognised for its quality.
Our Grove Blend was awarded gold in 2014 at the International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition held by the Olive Sommelier Association of Japan. We have achieved silver in subsequent years. This is truly an international event with a panel of judges, (24 in 2017) and entrants having a global representation. D’Arc is a boutique olive grove that only sells what it produces. The olives are hand-picked (with mechanical tools) and cold-pressed within 24 hours.